Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fall 2016 Plans!

hi folks!  I want to thank everyone for their patience, and especially Pierre "Pete" Schumann for picking up the reins while I was dealing with my mom's illness and eventual passing this spring.  I'm back now and ready to move forward.  To that end, I've confirmed our meeting space up through the New Year.

We will be meeting at Louie's Back Room on Walbridge St, the last Saturday of each month.  August and September will be 12pm-2pm, and October thru December we will be back to our normal time of 2pm-5pm.  Please remember to patronize our wonderful hosts by purchasing food and/or drink while we are there.

We are going to change our format and start offering projected songs out of The Daily Ukulele songbook, available at Marshall Music, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon, among other places.  This book is available in standard tuning or baritone tuning, so it will work for all players.

We will do a dozen or so songs (depending on time) and then if members brought songs to share, they can do so.  If you are planning on sharing a song, please bring 5-10 copies or email the song to me so I can arrange to project it.

I've also started a group at  This will allow non-Facebook users to connect with us. Please join!

Other things in the works...

I'm working with Portage Public Library to offer beginning ukulele classes this winter.

Barnes and Noble has contacted me about starting a strum at their Portage location!  This would likely be during the week, and would add to rather than replace our existing downtown strum.

I'm also starting the application process for a Blue Skies permit for the group, which is a permit that would allow us to play in specified downtown spaces.  This gives us a great casual opportunity for public performance and engagement.

If you have other ideas for growing the club, please connect with me!


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Venue change!!!

IMPORTANT:Due to increased traffic and noise at Old Dog Tavern, we are scouting new locations!  This will affect our meeting times as well.

Our March meeting is changed to March 20th, which is a Sunday!  2pm at the Sports Forum on Mosel St.  

We are happy to welcome new members!  If you don't have a Uke of your own, give me a call at 259-350-6059 and I will bring a spare for you.  

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Alrighty folks, get out your calendars...

We USUALLY meet at 2 pm the last Saturday of almost every month. 

January 30. Old Dog Tavern
February 27  Old Dog Tavern
March 20 at the Sports Forum on Mosel St 
April TBD
June TBD
July TBD
August TBD
September TBD
October TBD
November/December No regular meeting
December 3, Holiday Potluck & Strum (Marion's house)

Bring a Uke, tuner, stand, music to share, and make sure to try some of the great food at the establishments who host us. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Planning Ahead!

Hey folks!  It was great to see some of you at our June strum.  We sure missed those of you who couldn't make it!

In order to make planning easier, I've made the Facebook Events for each strum from now through Christmas.  Here they are.  I made them public so even if you don't have FB you should be able to view them for details of each meeting.

  • July:
  • August:
  • September:
  • October:
  • November:
  • December:

It is helpful if you can take the following steps...

  • RSVP on the Facebook event (if you have Facebook).  
    • This allows us to plan how many copies to make, how many chairs to set up, etc.
  • Bring 2-4 songs (hopefully along the theme) to lead and share.  
    • This is not a leader-centric group with a pre-formatted playlist.  It's more of an open jam!  
    • Even if you don't care to sing the song, be prepared to introduce it, explain any unknown chords, and count us in.  "A-one, a-two, a-one, two three...".  
  • Make your copies ahead of time.  
    • This helps decentralize both the time and cost of copy making.
  • Be aware of and respectful of group members.
    • Because the acoustics in the space can be difficult and we have some members with hearing issues, try not to have side conversations when someone else is trying to introduce their song.  We want this to be enjoyable for everyone, while still keeping things simple and not having an amplified song-leader.
  • Be aware of and respectful of the business that hosts us.
    • Set up and disassemble our meeting area neatly and politely.
    • Order drinks/food if you can, and be sure to tip.

  • Bring a friend, especially if they can sing!  We could use more singers, even if they don't play!

With that, I'll see you in July!  Have a safe and happy summer!

Marion K.

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 2014 Strum is TOMORROW!!

Hello folks! What a week! The Fretboard Festival was crazy, with a total of about 2900 people attending!

All we lacked was an iron, apparently.

Welcome to everyone who signed up for the mailing list. If I put your email correctly, you should have gotten a confirmation email via feedburner. All it really is, is a subscription to this blog. This is about as technical as I get. I'll be emailing out the e-book over the next week or two, as well as the baritone resources I mentioned to a couple of you.

Here's the Facebook page for anyone who hasn't joined it yet:

Apparently I was so wrapped up in Fretboard Fest that I forgot to make a Facebook event for it, but I'm hoping to see all your shining faces March 29 at our monthly strum. Soooo... here's the Facebook event for March:

For anyone who isn't familiar with Old Dog Tavern, it's a family friendly restaurant with a bar. They have a children's program on Saturday mornings, then there's us at 2:30!  So no worries. The food is very good too.  If any of you are uncomfortable with meeting at a "bar", there's a great group in Battle Creek that meets at a senior center.  There's something for everyone, no matter what your personal taste.

Our theme for March is “Sing in Spring” - bring any songs that have to do with warm weather! We may have to drag spring in kicking and screaming but by gosh we'll get it here! Bring copies to share, or I will have the copier available.

This month I'll also bring a suggestion for tabletop music stands – boy, did I find a deal! It's possible (but not definite) that we may have a cameraman from Channel 3 at some point during the day. We'll talk about that more first thing!

I think that's it! See ya tomorrow!  (And I think I'll set up the April strum event on FB right now so I don't forget.)

Marion K.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fretboard Fest is here!

Hey there, KalamazUkers! 

It was great seeing you in February at the OLD DOG TAVERN in downtown Kalamazoo!  I'm very optimistic that their capacity (as well as great food and ample drink) will not only be able to accommodate our growth, but contribute to it!  Bonus:  they have a great outdoor area for if spring ever arrives.

Right now I'm doing prep for our table at the KALAMAZOO FRETBOARD FESTIVAL.  Here's some helpful links about the event.  

With such a heavily publicized event, we have a great opportunity to introduce ukulele to hundreds of people!  Those of you who were there last year know that a TON of people come through.   

I am teaching the world's most basic uke workshop in room 308.  Those of you who already attend group, this is way too elementary for you, as it is designed for folks with zero familiarity with our adored instrument.  

Don't feel left out, though.  I HIGHLY recommend you attend Gerald Ross's workshop in room 309 at 4:00pm.  It's not often you get to workshop with him for free, and he's an excellent teacher and skilled player.  Also of interest,  several luthiers are attending including renowned uke builder Dave Talsma.

Our portion of the program is Saturday, March 22. I'll be manning the table for most of the day.  Janet said she'd pitch in, and I'd appreciate a couple other people taking shifts to help.  The most important time that I will need help is 1:30-3:30.  You don't need to be an expert, just need to be friendly, enthusiastic, and encouraging to all visitors.

Our table maintains a "instrument petting zoo" approach, so if you don't want your instrument handled, please put it under the table so it will be safe.  We'll have some uke video going, several styles of ukes for people to touch and try, and flyers outlining the uke clubs available in MI as well as details for this year's Mighty Uke Day.   I have also secured a supply of beginner ukes that will available for purchase.

I think that's everything.  Except, of course, for our upcoming club meeting on March 29 at OLD DOG TAVERN.  Please RSVP on the Facebook event if you can so we know how many tables to put together.  

See you soon!


P.S.  Sorry for not keeping the blog up.  I lost my password for forever and just got it all figured out.  To noobs - we have met almost every month, there wasn't a huge gap between October and February!!  Best way to keep up with us is to join the Facebook group at